Say NO to Cory Gardner's anti-woman agenda

In 2010, Ken Buck lost the election to the U.S. Senate largely due to his alienation of women voters. Buck’s hardcore stand against reproductive choice, proudly opposing abortion rights even in cases of rape or incest, repelled women voters and directly resulted in Buck losing one of the most expensive and hard-fought races of the 2010 elections.

Cory Gardner is every bit the anti-woman, anti-choice extremist that Ken Buck is. Video of Gardner during his run for Congress shows him proudly proclaiming his support for a statewide ban on all abortions in Colorado--even helping to gather signatures to place an abortion ban on our state’s ballot. In 2011, Gardner joined with fellow Congressman Todd Akin to sponsor a bill “redefining” the crime of rape to make it hard for victims to get an abortion.

Cory Gardner’s fresh face can’t hide who he is. Gardner’s record is clear: like Ken Buck, he would be a disaster for Colorado women in the U.S. Senate. Sign below if you agree, and send us your comments and tips about Gardner.

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    Subject: Cory Gardner: more of the same
    Republican Cory Gardner is launching his campaign for the U.S. Senate. As you’ve probably heard, a backroom deal resulted in Republicans switching candidates in the Senate race just before the party’s caucus next week.

    National Republican insiders including Karl Rove himself are believed to be behind this backroom deal to put Gardner in the Senate race--mostly because the frontrunner in that race up to now, Ken Buck, is far too extreme and out-of-touch to win.

    The problem? For women and working families in Colorado, Cory Gardner is just as bad. Sign our petition rejecting Cory Gardner’s far right agenda, and then share it with your friends and neighbors.
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