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Tax day brings death of tax-preparer disclosure upgrade bill

By Ed Sealover
 –  Senior Reporter, Denver Business Journal

A lot of Americans are filing their taxes today, but the Colorado Senate on Tuesday killed a bill that would have ramped up public-disclosure requirements for professionals who prepare those tax submissions.

House Bill 1285 would have required tax preparers to present clients with a list of their qualifications, year-round contact information and a statement they are willing to represent the customer in the event of a government audit. 

Co-sponsoring Sen. Irene Aguilar, D-Denver, said after hearing too many stories of poor Coloradans getting taken advantage of by shady preparers, added disclosure would help people know who they’re paying.

But Sen. Owen Hill, R-Colorado Springs, argued —  as business groups did during committee hearings— that HB 1285 imposed a regulatory burden on honest preparers and did nothing to rein in those who were incompetent or dishonest.

And Democratic Sens. Cheri Jahn of Wheat Ridge and Lois Tochtrop of Thornton joined Republicans to kill the measure.

“We need less loopholes, we need flatter taxes, we need less regulation,” Hill said. “And this bill does none of those.”